
The Adventures of Astrotrain and Blitzwing 3

An intermission before the final act.

The Adventures of Astrotrain and  Blitzwing 3


The Thrilla In My Backyard-A

So here it is, the Special Double-Length blah, blah, blah.
Ya might want to click on the Post Title and open it in a new window so you don't gotta wait for ALL the strips on this page to load. Enjoy!

Thrilla B


A Little Behind

Sorry, dear readers. I'm running behind and because of that, there won't be a new issue this week. But don't worry, there will be a new Double-sized issue next week. And it's going to kick ass. I think. We'll see. I may toss a little teaser in at the middle of the week.


The Column

Sorry I'm late, folks.

The Column