
Cantina of Fear

Cantina of Fear

P.S. For those interested, I didn't come up with this title on my own, it is taken from a song by one of my favorite bands, NESkimos. The song is actually a cover of the song Cantina Band written by John Williams and performed by the London Symphony Orchestra (maybe you've heard of it?) You can listen to the song here. (If you're an old-school Nintendo fan, you should pick up one of their albums...if you can find it!)


Derachi said...

Good job getting a new comic out this early in the week. So I was wondering, ever think about selling T-Shirts to help your plastic addiction? Maybe even ads on your site?

Anonymous said...

Nice job! The cantina scene is awesome...but you're really dragging this out.

Anonymous said...

I say it just to get it out the way, ahem. . . "Han Shot First!" okay, I'm done. (sweet diorama by the way)

Deadwolf said...

Reminds me of south park for some reason... I will be sure to check out the music though..

Matt Booker said...

You've finally topped my favorite strip (the one where the tfa figs first interact with your regular bots).

Good job, sir. I was amused by Han's pause, but I lol'ed at the resulting Greedo indecent. :D

~Matt Booker

Matt Booker said...

Erm. I meant 'incident.' But that typo is funny, now that I think about it...

~Matt Booker

Heavyarms said...

Booker, you shouldn't have a "favorite" WTJP strip. It ain't healthy.

Matt Booker said...

I guess I won't even mention my favorite Addicted to Plastic post.
It's totally the Variable Cyberbot one.

~Matt Booker

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if we'd get a "Han shot first!" comment. :)

I'm beginning to see why you're being made to cull your addiction. :)